1. 银耳泡发后切去黄色的根部,手掰成小朵,百合和莲子泡10分钟,洗去杂质,枸杞洗净备用。
2. 除枸杞外的所有材料放进砂锅,加水至没过所有食材,也可以多加一些水。大火烧开后转小火煮1小时至银耳软烂,注意不要溢出来。
3. 撒上枸杞及冰糖,再煮10分钟即可。
Ingredients: White Fungus, Lotus Seed, Lily, crystal sugar
Benefits: to improve sleeping quality; to cool down spirit; to release liver and spleen
1. Soak white fungus for about 1 hour.
2. Wash the lotus seeds and lily with clean water.
3. Put three of these ingredients into the pot and put water until cover all ingredients.
4. Cook until it boil, then turn to small heat and continue cooking for at least 1 hour.
5. Put in wolfberry and crystal sugar 10 mins before it's done.