Ganoderma Monk Fruit Immune Improvement Sweet Soup 罗汉果灵芝甘草糖水
Ganoderma Monk Fruit Immune Improvement Sweet Soup 罗汉果灵芝甘草糖水
Ganoderma Monk Fruit Immune Improvement Sweet Soup 罗汉果灵芝甘草糖水
  • Muatkan imej ke dalam penonton Galeri, Ganoderma Monk Fruit Immune Improvement Sweet Soup 罗汉果灵芝甘草糖水
  • Muatkan imej ke dalam penonton Galeri, Ganoderma Monk Fruit Immune Improvement Sweet Soup 罗汉果灵芝甘草糖水
  • Muatkan imej ke dalam penonton Galeri, Ganoderma Monk Fruit Immune Improvement Sweet Soup 罗汉果灵芝甘草糖水

Ganoderma Monk Fruit Immune Improvement Sweet Soup 罗汉果灵芝甘草糖水

Harga biasa
RM9.00 MYR
Harga jualan
RM9.00 MYR
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Ingredients: Monk fruit, Ganoderma (Lingzhi), Licorice Root, Red date, Crystal Sugar
Benefits: Antitumor, anti-inflammation, Lung Support, Immune system support

1. Put all ingredients into the pot (excepts Crystal Sugar) with clean water.
2. Cook until it has boil and turn to small heat and cook for 1 hour.
3. Add crystal sugar 5 mins before it's done.
4. Filter the water and enjoy your dessert soup!

材料:罗汉果,灵芝,甘草, 红枣,冰糖

1 砂锅中注入适量清水烧热,倒入备好的罗汉果、灵芝、甘草。
2. 盖上盖,烧开后用小火煮约1小时,至其析出有效成分。
3. 揭开盖,放入冰糖,拌匀。
4. 再盖上盖,用小火煮至冰糖溶化。
5. 关火后揭开盖,盛出糖水,滤入碗中即可。