Ganoderma Fushen Nourishing Herbal Soup 灵芝茯神汤
Ganoderma Fushen Nourishing Herbal Soup 灵芝茯神汤
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Ganoderma Fushen Nourishing Herbal Soup 灵芝茯神汤

RM8.00 MYR
RM8.00 MYR

This is one of the most nourishing herbal soup in traditional Chinese medicine, the combination of these herbs able to stronger our body and increase our immune system over all.

1. Wash the ingredients.
2. Cook a pot of water until it's boil.
3. Add all ingredients into the pot and turn to medium heat until it's boil.
4. Close the pot, and turn to low heat and continue to cook for 2 hours.
5. Add some salts to increase the flavoring.

这道菜大补,身子虚的人必吃,补到你流鼻血,补到你怀疑人生!灵芝茯神汤可以说是一种药膳,主要是用灵芝、党参、茯神这三种药材做成的汤,其可增强免疫力,赤灵芝和党参都可以增强免疫力及控制血压, 而党参味道清甜,还有补气健脾的功效而茯神就可以宁心安神,适合一家大细饮用。

1. 将赤灵芝片、党参及茯神冲洗。
2. 将赤灵芝片、党参、茯神及适量水用中火煮滚。
3. 盖上锅盖,转中小火煮2小时,加少许盐调味, 即可饮用。