Nutritional Value of Stevia
Stevia is valued most for the sweet taste, which makes it capable of replacing sugar in a diet. Importantly, it also has a very low calorific count pushing it in the ‘no-calorie’ food zone. There hasn’t been enough research done on the value of stevia. Currently, its leaf is not known to have any nutrients present in it other than carbohydrates and the earlier mentioned stevia glycosides.
Health Benefits of Stevia
The health benefits of stevia include diabetes management, weight loss, skincare, and much more. Let us explore some of its health benefits in detail.
May Help Control Diabetes
May Aid in Weight Loss
May Regulate Blood Pressure
Possible Anticancer Potential
May Lower Cholesterol Levels
May Aid in Maintaining Oral Health
May Help Improve Skin Care
May Prevent Osteoporosis
甜菊叶和甜叶菊是同一种天然的,含糖量极低,甜度极高的植物。甜叶菊的 叶子就是甜菊叶,可用于冲泡成茶,或者做成甜品食用。 甜菊叶含有泽兰醇、甜菊甙A、甜菊甙B、甜菊双糖甙、甜菊甙等成分,可用来替代糖类,成为比糖更健康的食物甜味品或食品添加剂。 甜菊叶泡的茶,可以供糖尿病患者饮用,不容易导致血糖升高。还可以提高糖尿病病人的胰腺功能,生津止渴,缓解口干舌燥的状况。