我们提供一站式生产开发服务,协助您计划及部署整个生产线过程,并帮助您产品的标准化生产,人员培训,品质管理及包装等,仍至生产设备及原料的设计及采购, 以便您的全新投入去行销及推广您产品.
One Stop Food Product Solution
We’re food industry consultants who help business owners achieve success. Our goal is to help business owners in the food industry increase their profits by reducing their ingredient and packaging costs as well as increasing their sales. Because when you succeed, we succeed.

Production Development & Certification
We provide a full design-for-manufacture service, helping you plan, build, deploy and maintain your solution throughout the production lifecycle. We take care of all your formulating, manufacturing, training and packaging needs so that you can put your time and efforts into marketing your product.

Food Product Development
Is your product ready to go, or at the idea stage? Either way, we can help you bring it to perfection with science-based food product development. What does the perfect product look like? Would it be super healthy, halal, or certified organic? What about shelf-life? Is it already shelf-stable?
Sourcing & Manufacturing
Are you ready to start producing—and making money at it? Let’s take a look at your ingredient line-up and talk manufacturing!

Professional Food Industry Insurance
We’ll start with food liability insurance, including public and product liability, covering you against accidents caused by your business or claims against your products